Tuesday 28 January 2014

Happy [Blessed] Tuesday

Happy Tuesday! Tuesday is for us here at Pais Southport, a long day. Probably the longest day we have. Most of us go to the early morning prayer meeting (7:30am) and then go into the office. In the morning we do our daily Bible study and ministry prep, and then we spend the afternoon in schools. We do one lunch club, one reading club and one after-school club. Then we go home. For about two seconds. Then we all go do stuff for our churches in the evening.

After a late night last night with my girls (Luisa and Sarah) fellowshipping and ministering to each other, I knew that today, our long day, could be...well...not so great. But as I was in the shower praying this morning, I felt encouraged by the Lord to be expectant for the day and what He had for us. And it was good! At Tuesday morning prayer, a man I don't know but who knows who I am really encouraged me, asking me how I was and assuring me that I'm in the right place. I have known that all along, but in the past couple days I have not actively remembered that; I needed that reminder. He also said specifically that he knows sometimes a day feels like a fortnight, and that is honestly how I feel right now. It's only Tuesday, but Sunday feels like it was two weeks ago! I know I am in the "settling in" process and it is going to take a while, but he encouraged me to have grace for myself as I walk through that process. I needed that exhortation.

And the clubs today were great! The children were obedient and responsive. Of course after school they were a bit wilder, but that is completely expected. Under the circumstances I was pleasantly surprised!

All in all, it's been a good day. This evening I have a dinner meeting with a vicar and a reverend and then I get to plan Sunday morning's youth ministry, which I am SO excited about! Woohoo!

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