Saturday 1 February 2014

Still Adjusting

Tears. I knew they were coming. I could feel the emotional pressure building up and knew it was only a matter of time before something unlocked the floodgate. And today was the day.

The thing is, you don't start a brand new life without tears. Saying goodbye is difficult (and I have had to do that way too many times in the last year and a half), and meeting new people, for me, is a challenge (but I have had to do that a ton lately as well). Then there's adjustment to life in general, in a new and different place, as well as all the work that has been placed before me. I am not complaining--I am here for a reason and I know God has specifically placed me here, in Southport, in these churches, at this house, on this team, etc.--but I am still adjusting. I think I really do need to give myself grace during the process. I don't have it all together, I am still learning, I am still healing, I am doing my best. And that has to be enough.

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