Wednesday 12 February 2014

Four Cakes!

I must admit that before today, when I thought about my upcoming birthday, I didn't do it with much expectation. I wasn't excited at all. 29 is just not an exciting number to begin with, and being in a new and different place, so far from friends and family, with people who don't really know me well...well, I honestly figured it would kinda stink.

But it didn't!!

Let me just tell you, God has put some awesome people into my life, or rather, He has set me in the midst of their lives. I came down to breakfast to presents waiting at the table for me from my hosts--a beautiful butterfly journal and a box of chocolate truffles! My teammates sang to me and presented me with birthday cards this morning, praying for and encouraging me as well, and then surprised me with a cake (cake #1) and a small party this afternoon. This evening I went to kids club where Gabriel and Hannah had cupcakes (cake #2)  for us all to celebrate. And this evening the three of us were invited round to the G-rings' (as they are now affectionately known) for supper. Liliana (Mama G-ring) had made me a cake to share with the kids at kids club (cake #3) (but they didn't really get any...shhhh!!) and then made an additional cake (cake #4) to celebrate with the G-ring fam. My goodness, I am blessed! Here are a few pics!
This is what I found when I opened the door upon returning from our girls planning meeting--Tabz & Trey with a pink butterfly cake! It was such a surprise!

With my beautiful team!

The cupcakes that Hannah made
One of the cakes Liliana made (Yes, those are gummy bears in the center!)
The other cake Liliana made. It was massive and delicious!  


My cards and presents! Everything was perfect :)
Me with my girls :D

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