Monday 17 February 2014

Weekly Wrap 6

This week was super busy and really looooooooong. My birthday was in there, there was a lot of cake. That's most of what I remember. Now it's half-term, which means the kids are out of school for a week. But we are going to Burnley until Friday because Pais GB is having a training conference called SWAP (in order to "swap" ideas!) with Paul Gibbs, the founder of the Pais Project. So, since I'm having trouble remembering all of what happened last week, because there was so much of it, and because I have to leave for Lancashire in half an hour, I will just share with you my highlight of the week.

On Monday my team and I went to Holy Trinity to do a workshop with the year 6 kids about the Eucharist, specifically focusing on the Passover. Not only did we have a fun time planning and executing this creative workshop which included re-enactments and Passover food, but the kids loved it! David clearly shared the Gospel with them, which was awesome, and we got very encouraging feedback from the teachers as well, who said it was "brilliant and couldn't have been better!" Praise God :)

The Passover Seder: David distributing the salt water, representative of the tears of the Israelites, for the students to dip their bitter herbs into, symbolic of the sorrow they endured while in slavery.

 David interviewing the apostle Matthew about Jesus. The kids were interested in "his" (Luisa played Matthew) mode of time travel--how did he get here from Biblical times??

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