Monday 3 February 2014

Weekly Wrap 4

Well, it's a day late, but here it is! I could make up some silly excuse as to my lateness, but I will just be honest and tell you that last night I went to McDonald's with friends instead of coming home to do my blog. However, that was following a day of three, count them, three church services, the first of which was the youth meeting at All Saints led by moi. The second was at a small church plant called Open Well that meets in the back hall of All Saints at 3pm. And the third was at Christ Church (my host church) in the evening and was led by Archie, a Scottish charismatic Catholic worship leader. And it was good! McDonald's was after that, and yeah, we hung out for a few hours, but it was a good time of fellowship, even though I got back late and had to get up early this morning for an assembly... this place! This is Scarisbrick Hall (click on the link if you'd like to read the history!) where my team and I are on Mondays, usually for a lunch club but today was a special assembly in the morning with at least one hundred students. We talked about materialism with our theme being, "Where your heart is, there your treasure is also." It was great!

These are the kids from my Wednesday night kids club, "New Generation" with Hannah. This was game/craft time!

This is Hannah and Gabriel leading the lesson about Jesus feeding the 4,000. I was shocked at how well the kids listened. They are (in general) very well-behaved!

Sarah and I visited Trey at Christ Church's Friday night "Youth Café" which is mostly a time of fun for the youth. It gives them a safe place to hang out with friends and have a good time on a Friday night. We had a good time too!

This is my new designated hang-out. Don't tell anyone in Southport, but when I need a break and cannot be found, this is where I will be. It's the only Christian bookshop/café in town and I love it!!

This is my hosts' youngest grand-daughter who I see on a weekly basis. She has a lot of energy and I very much enjoy her!
Well, week two was a success. Honestly, I don't remember it incredibly well. There were several meetings, and there are lots of things to pray about, because there is a lot of work to be done. But that is why I am here! I am enjoying the work here and still feel SO privileged to be able to serve the Lord in this place. I know He has me here for a reason. Even in the times of tears, because I am sure there will be more in the many days ahead, I know He is on the throne and I have surrendered my life to Him. He is excellent in His leadership and I trust Him completely. I know He is good and I know He works all things together for good for those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose. Therefore, He has good for me! And I am excited about the work He is doing in Southport, in the churches as well as in the schools, with Pais and with the SASWT with whom we work.
Thank you to everyone who recently sent me encouraging messages. I love that people actually read this thing and I value you all! I could not do this work without your support!! 

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