Wednesday 26 February 2014

He is Faithful

The sun is shining! It's a beautiful day! And I am ill and stuck inside :(

As much as that stinks, I have still been able to do some work from home (Thank you so much Google Drive), so I haven't completely abandoned my team for the day. And I have enough (not much though) brain power to be somewhat effective as I sit here on my bed and work between episodes of one of my favorite sitcoms.

This morning, as I was ill, I was reminiscing about a time I lived with some awesome friends. It was not uncommon for me to wake up to an amazing cup of coffee and lounge around the house in my pj's during that time (I had a job that made that quite easy). It was calm and peaceful and I am grateful for the time I got to live with them. It would be easy for me to compare my situation now with my situation then, the challenge that I have now with the ease of that time. But I will not.

Because yesterday, Abba gave us this:
Sarah and a reminder that He who has promised is faithful!
At the moment, He is challenging me to believe that He is faithful. Of course I know in my head that He is, but sometimes, in the difficult moments, it takes effort to really believe it. He has blessed me so much, as He reminded me this morning with sweet memories of a former era of my life, and I know He will provide exactly what I need in the days to come. I am thankful for all He has given me, and He is, even at this very moment, stirring up faith within me to believe for even greater things. I believe; Lord, help my unbelief.
For those who have been praying for me, my team, Pais GB and the kids we encounter, thank you! Please keep praying. The spiritual warfare is evident in teams across the nation, but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world and our weapons are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds! There is much work to do. Pray He strengthens us, gives us wisdom and sends more laborers into the harvest! It is His desire and I believe He will do it. Amen!

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