Wednesday 5 March 2014

A Glimpse into a Lunch Club

I know, I know! Sunday came and went. Then Monday came and went. And all my loyal readers are wondering: where is the Weekly Wrap?? Well, sorry to disappoint, but that's going to have to wait until next week! Last week was a tough week, and being ill in the middle of it did not help. However, God is good and I take comfort and rejoice in the fact that He is in control! He knows what He is doing and He will be glorified in Southport, in the UK, in Europe and in all the world. Amen??

Today I thought I would give you a little glimpse into the world of "lunch clubs." This is one of our weekly lunch clubs at a secondary school. This particular week we brought marshmallows and raw spaghetti to the club, divided the kids into two groups and gave them the assignment to build the tallest, most stable tower they could, using just those two items. It was an exercise to see who brought what to the team and to talk about our gifts--that they are not just for us individually, but for us to use and share!
David working with the boys
The girls working together
The girls' tower.
I really enjoyed their teamwork!
The boys' tower (mostly built by David who has a degree in civil engineering--cheat much?? :D)

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