Monday 17 March 2014

Talk About the Cross

Guess what! I am super excited because on Wednesday I get to go into a local secondary school and talk about the Cross! This talk has been in my diary (aka calendar) for weeks, so I knew it was coming. But it just hit me right now how amazing it is that I get to talk with 20-25 teenage girls about Jesus and what He accomplished FOR THEM on the cross! It's not every day that we get to do this; even though we go into schools Monday-Thursday as a Christian organization, we still have to be careful about what we say. But on Wednesday, I get to bring it! Woohoo!! Please pray for me that every word I speak is from Him and that He pierces hearts and changes lives with the words He gives me! And also, pray protection for me from spiritual attack. The enemy hates this so much. Thank you!!!

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