Sunday 16 March 2014

Weekly Wrap 9

Seriously, I cannot believe it's that time again. The last week has flown by so fast!

This week was busy! It seems all my weeks are busy. God is certainly establishing the work of my hands (and heart!) and there is always work to be done. But this week, there were some really good bits stuck in there with the norm.

I got to have coffee and chat with two teenage girls this week, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. This is what I love to do! To hear their hearts, share their struggles and encourage them as I can. And over coffee! What could be better??

On Friday my team and I went to the Lake District. We were able to walk, talk and pray about the future of the Pais Project/Schools worker trust relationship in Southport and although there are significant changes to be made in the days ahead, we are on the journey! There is a lot of work to be done and I know it will take time, but it is progressing!

 Out at the lake

 It was quite a foggy day, but we still had a good time!

 On Friday we raced back from the Lakes to get to the March Bible study we're having with some of our young people. We are looking into the life of Noah in a very unique way, based on this book written by Paul Gibbs, the founder of the Pais Project. If you desire to go deeper in the Word of God, to really study it and wrestle with it for yourself, I suggest this book, as well as a group of friends to discuss it with!

On Saturday I got to go to Manchester to see some lovely friends from East Sussex! It was a pleasure spending time with them and catching up. This is me and Miru (from Spain) at the
Manchester Art Gallery.

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