Tuesday 25 March 2014

Weekly Wrap 10

Well, last week was....interesting...it did not go at all as I planned.

You know how I was SO excited to talk about the Cross at our Wednesday lunch club? Spiritual attack--I got sick! And I mean really sick! But it wasn't just me; Tabz and Sarah were ill as well! I was really disappointed to miss that opportunity, but I wasn't surprised when the attack came. The enemy hates it when Christians talk to non-Christians about the power of the Cross. Because it scares him. That's where he lost the battle, and although he is still fighting, the victory has already been won, and his future truly terrifies him. As it should!

However, despite my illness, which dragged on for a couple days, really draining me of energy and motivation, I had the most glorious weekend! My friend/little brother Misa came to see me!! He is from Venezuela but lives in the Canary Islands, and currently works at the conference centre in East Sussex where I also lived and worked for a year. So, since this was the best part of last week, I would like to share some of it with you. Enjoy!

First of all, let me tell you what an amazing friend Misa is (which is not solely based on the following): here are two things I left behind at the conference centre last June when I had to leave. He found them and, not knowing when/if we would meet again, he kept them, and this weekend, 9 months later, he brought them to me! I was overwhelmed, and I am so happy to have them back!! This is one incredible brother!
 On Friday I got off work early and gave Misa a tour of Southport. Probably the most important thing to see in Southport is the pier. Isn't it pretty?


And look what we found!

That night we (and by "we" I mean Misa) made supper for my hosts: Spanish omelette and rice!

It was delicious!
On Saturday, we decided to check out Liverpool!

This is us at the World Museum.

More Liverpool
Beautiful sky
This was supper. He's taking a pic to make those at the conference centre jealous. I won't lie; the food there isn't so good...#Ilost30pounds

On Sunday he was adamant about attending church with me. I warned him--a bunch of 80 year olds in a very traditional Church of England service. But he came and even sat through it alone as I taught Sunday school. Seriously, this kid is gold. Then we hit Manchester. We didn't do much--the mandatory Starbucks run, of course, followed by shopping. He wanted to find me a guitar to buy because I am desperate to have one. Unfortunately, the one I liked was £500. And then, Taco Bell! I have never seen a Taco Bell in the UK before, and as he mentioned that morning that he would like Taco Bell, we found one in Manchester! The taco was lame, but the rest was great!

And then he left :(
And I cried, just like the last time I had to say goodbye to him. He truly is very special and I am blessed to know him and to have him for a brother.
So that was my weekend. I hope yours was great, but there ain't no way it was better than mine! :)

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