Monday 10 March 2014

Weekly Wrap 8

Someone is praying! I know it!

These past two weeks have been rooooouuuuuggggghhhhh! Let me tell you. The enemy has stepped up the spiritual attack--he is not happy about what is going on in the UK. The laborers are in the fields and the Harvest is already white (John 4:35)! The word of the Lord is going forth and it will not return to Him void--He will be glorified in this nation and around the world!

I have noticed that Pais members around the country have been hit with fiery darts from the evil one lately, from laptops breaking (We need our laptops! They are essential to our work!), to family issues, to team friction, to personal problems. As for me, and I'm going to be honest here, it has been in the form of team issues, self-condemnation and relational bondage. BUT God is SOOOO good!

The Lord is working out our team issues. His heart for Southport and His desire to be glorified in this city are so much bigger than Pais or the Southport and Area Schools Worker Trust. He is bringing about unity in partnerships among individual people, congregations and organizations. He knows exactly how each should function to support the others and to best honour and glorify Him. It is His work and we get to partner with Him in it--what a privilege!

Most of my life I have struggled with self-condemnation in the area of body image. But He is bringing me freedom in that arena. I will not say I am completely free, but I am growing in the knowledge that when Psalm 139 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made, that means He made me the way He wants me and how can I argue with that?? The Creator of the universe took the time to fashion me out of nothing, thinking about every aspect of my person (including the different sizes of my eyes!), and I find fault with it? Not anymore. My body is not perfect; I have many physical flaws, but God has allowed those for specific reasons and I choose to use them, to learn from them, to grow in the knowledge of His love for me despite the flaws, and to encourage others to do the same!

Relational bondage--oh, how easy it is for us to hurt each other! I've been hurt, I think that was made clear in some earlier posts, and for the past two weeks have been mourning over that relational hurt more than usual. However, just in the last few days, the Lord has really brought me freedom. He has given me the strength to just say "no" and walk away from something, or rather, someone, that had been holding me back. Closure was needed, and I have finally found the strength in Him to say goodbye. I haven't burned the bridge, but with honesty and respect, have said, "This is the end (A thousand miles and poles apart)." There is room in my life for that person in the future, should God decide to put us back in each other's lives, but for now, bring on the freedom, and let the healing continue.

This weekly wrap is obviously a lot different than the previous ones, but the last two weeks have been quite different as well. I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me and Pais GB. Your prayers make a difference--that is absolutely certain!--so keep on praying! You and your prayers are vital to our ministry and I am thankful you are partnering with us in this way!

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