Sunday 5 January 2014

Day Four

UK Day 4

Well, if I had any doubt that this is where I am supposed to be, I no longer do. Church this morning in Burnley was such a comfort to me and the Lord used the service to confirm to me three things He has been speaking to me for months. In addition, my hostess has been so welcoming to me and my new friend Samara (from Brazil), inviting us to hang out with her friends and family. I have met so many new people and this isn't even where I will be living!

Tomorrow Foundational Training begins. There are five new apprentices this intake--me, two Brazilians, an Indian and maybe another American--and we will spend two weeks with the national directorship preparing for whatever it is we're about to walk in to :) I'm looking forward to it!

Random fact: Since Samara showed up last night, I have somehow reverted to what I fondly refer to as "Ash-speak" where, in trying to communicate with people who are not native English speakers, I unintentionally invert words and pronounce them very differently than I normally would. For example, earlier today I inadvertently walked to the wrong side of the car to get in (imagine that) and said to Sue, "Why you didn't tell me?" Oh dear... :)

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