Friday 3 January 2014

A New Life

One of my friends posted this on Facebook in celebration of the new year, and I thought it was perfect for me. Forgetting what is behind and looking toward what is ahead, I press on, just as Paul said. His words to the Philippians have been so encouraging to me lately as I look ahead and step through to a new life.

I arrived in Manchester yesterday morning after an unexpectedly pleasant plane ride sitting next to an adorable ten-year-old British girl who enjoyed talking, and was promptly driven to Burnley where I now have the pleasure of staying with a lovely lady named Sue who is taking very good care of me. She is passionate about Jesus and constantly talks about Him and what He has done for her and in the lives of others, and I find that so encouraging!

Tomorrow night a Brazilian girl will join me here at Sue's house. I am looking forward to meeting her and maybe using the little bit of Portuguese I know. And on Monday, training begins. I have no idea what to expect as far as training, but I do expect to be challenged and encouraged. For now though, I am looking forward to the new--a new location, a new position, new friends, new experiences, a new life.

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