Sunday 26 January 2014

Weekly Wrap 3

I cannot believe it’s only been a week since my last Weekly Wrap! I feel like I’ve been here forever! My teammates say they feel I’ve been here forever too. I think that’s a good thing…

I had a very busy week, to say the least! My team and I were in the office doing ministry prep as well as working on Recruitment Week for Pais. I mean, what better way for an organization to recruit than by having those working for them tell others how great it is? And it is great! Pais is an amazing opportunity for any young (or like me, not so young) person who loves Jesus and wants to see others grow in the knowledge of God.

In addition to that, throughout the week, we held several lunch clubs and after-school clubs in order to share Biblical truths with these young people. Also, I didn’t have an evening free until Friday! Monday night I went to an engagement party. Tuesday night I met with the leaders of New Generation, the kids club I’m working with, in order to plan for Wednesday. Wednesday night was New Generation, which I loved, followed by a dinner invitation. Thursday night was another social engagement. Friday night I wanted to hang out with friends, and even got David (who works with us) to organize a get-together, but I hit a wall and ended up in my pajamas watching a movie in bed by 8pm. Saturday was a girls’ brunch, followed by coffee at Starbucks with my vicar. (Yes, I now have a vicar! Sonya, she’s great.) And today was church and a lunch invitation. So, yeah, I've been busy!
As much as I have loved meeting new people and spending time with them (which I honestly have!), I know life will not continue this way. I will settle into the rhythm of Pais life in Southport and hopefully soon. However, I also realize I will be busy. There is a lot of work to do here and we have only scratched the surface!

Below are a few pictures to help you visualize what life is like for me here. Enjoy!

My lovely house

My teammates: Trey, Luisa and Sarah


Our work stations. Please note the beautiful yellow walls...

The view from my room. The church is where our office is located.

David, the Schools Worker who is essentially our team leader,
and Sarah leading an afterschool club

Girls' brunch held by Luisa (not pictured), two of the girls are Albanian and here working with the Master's Commission. The girl on the right is Hannah, who, along with her husband, leads the kids club I help with.

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