Monday 13 January 2014

The Januaries

"The Januaries," as we (the four January intake apprentices) are apparently referred to, have now entered the second (and final) week of foundational training. Training has been good, and I am certainly thankful for it and for those who have taken the time and put the work in to facilitate it. However, what has been the biggest blessing has been the time with these people, the Januaries and our hosts, outside of training. We have fellowshipped, we have prayed, we have laughed, told stories, shared our hearts and encouraged each other, and I am pumped! I am reminded that the Lord knows exactly what we need and gives us what we need in His perfect timing. I have truly needed this, and I am thankful for these people and the time He has given me with them. I am also sad thinking that on Friday I have to say goodbye to them (I am really sick of saying goodbye to people!). However, they will not be so far away, and I know I will see them in February and am actually planning to hopefully hit the continent with one or more of them during our long break in April. These people have been a gift to me, and I am truly grateful.

Something interesting? Well, I am realizing that, as much as I have lived in England, I have never before now, lived with English people. And something that has completely shocked me (other than the warm and friendly hugs, which honestly was a huge surprise!) is that, at least in this neck of the woods, when they do the washing up (which means, when they wash the dishes in the sink) they don't rinse them before they dry them! Whaaaaaat??? I know, right?! So this evening when I did the washing up, I decided to be British and not rinse the dishes. I fully expect soap suds to accompany my coffee tomorrow morning.

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