Sunday 12 January 2014

Weekly Wrap 1

Oh, so much to share and so little time!
Well, now that I have a moment to sit down and catch my breath, let me update you on the first week. Lots of training has been going on. There are four, count them, four new apprentices for the January intake which means we are getting to know each other well! We spend all day together, studying Kingdom principles as well as practical Pais training issues and discussing life in England as we adjust (more of an adjustment for some than others) and often have church/youth events planned in the evenings (home group, youth group, youth worship, etc.). When we don't, because our hosts are all friends, we see each other on our nights off as well. I'm not complaining. I love my new friends!
It truly has been a blessing getting to know these amazing people, hearing their stories and learning more about them. The sad thing is that Friday is the last day of training, which means we are all off to our respective cities! However, that means a new adventure is on the horizon for each of us, and we are all looking forward to what the Lord has for us in these new places. And we are looking forward to the SWAP conference in February when we can all come back and see each other again!

As for me, on Friday I am off to Southport. I have met my team leader as well as three leaders from the three churches with which I will be working. I was honoured on Wednesday as they all made the trek to come and meet with me, to introduce themselves and talk with me about the work they would like me to do in Southport. I was actually shocked when they all greeted me with hugs! I don't even hug people I haven't met before, and this absolutely defied my idea of English people. I am learning there are big differences between people from the south and north of England. BIG differences. But they were very warm, friendly and welcoming and are excited to have me come work with them and their youth; they even included my picture in my host church's bulletin to announce my arrival and ask the congregation to pray for me! From speaking with them I can tell there is significant need in Southport, and I am anxious to get there and begin working!

Yesterday our hosts took us (just the girls) to Wycoller, a tiny historic town that the Bronte sisters often visited. Wycoller Hall (now in ruins) is thought to be the inspiration for Ferndean Manor in Jane Eyre.

If I look happy, it's because I am!

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