Tuesday 21 January 2014


This morning I went to the "Tuesday morning prayer group," where about 60 people from different congregations from around Southport weekly gather at 7:30am for an hour to pray for the town and the needs in it. I was SO blessed!
 The Lord is doing an awesome thing in this town and bringing unity to the body of Christ here. I have never seen so many different churches come together to worship and pray before. It really is something special. The enemy, of course, absolutely hates it and will sow (and is sowing) discord where he can. You are welcome to pray that the Lord would have His way in this town and the people in it—all of which/whom belong to Him! My desire is that His heart for this place would be made manifest and that He would continue to unite His people in this place, that they would come together, without hindrance, to worship Him in spirit and in truth!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amanda! Your website is beautiful and so professional ! I'm impressed :) I don't have time to read each blog posting yet, but I will eventually. Great job and I know God will use in incredible ways !!
