Friday 2 May 2014

New Life

Ok, I don't have much time because in just a few hours I will be heading back to Burnley, where I spent Easter weekend, to do local missions with Pais GB and one of the girls I have adopted from Trey's youth group! But, before I go, I wanted to update you on my Easter. I was thinking that, you know, compared to Italy and Germany, it wasn't that remarkable, but I was wrong! Easter was amazing! I got to spend it with Samara, one of the Januaries and my favorite Brazilian. We stayed with Sue, our host for Foundational Training, and she, as always, was so gracious! As were her family, who tend to take in strays and invited us over for Easter lunch. It was fantastic. We also got to have supper with friends from the church in Burnley where Pais is based. I was so blessed to get to spend the weekend with these people!

The best thing about Easter, however, was the day after. On Monday Samara, Sue and I went to Todmorden, which is in Yorkshire, to a vegetarian restaurant with Sue's prayer group, three ladies Samara and I had never met before. They were lovely and we enjoyed our time with them. We had lunch and went out to the canal to spend some time praying. And just as we sat down to pray, the Lord began to speak to me. Among other things, He told me that the battle was over. I had been fighting a battle since August (You can read more about it here if you're interested), and it had finally come to an end. I didn't understand completely at the time, but it has since been confirmed to me that I heard correctly and it is over. Praise the Lord! It was the hardest thing I have ever been through, and I am overjoyed to be finished with it. I think it's no coincidence that it came after Easter--this really is a new life for me, and a new opportunity to embrace all that God has for me, whatever that looks like. Since that day, I feel stronger, more confident, and best of all, free. There are good things ahead for me and I cannot wait to see all that is in my future!

Some pictures from Easter weekend

There are some beautiful places right outside Burnley!

Love this girl!

 They were just walking down the sidewalk on the side of the road...
At the vegetarian restaurant with Samara, Sue and her friends
Bean was good! 
 With Sue
 Hearing wise words and being encouraged along the road :)
What is Easter without chocolate bunnies? ;)

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