Saturday 24 May 2014


I have a confession to make.

I want to travel. A lot.
I want to learn more languages. Several more.
I want to experience new cultures and ways of living.
I want adventure.

I saw this video today on Youtube and it makes me really miss other languages (and the people who speak them!). I was so blessed for a year to live in a community of people who, all together, spoke more than 10 different languages. It was such a cool experience, and I think the Lord really used that to ignite my passion for people, cultures, and languages. I am not someone who easily learns languages, but feeling called to the nations, I think I am going to have to discipline myself to learn some in the days ahead. God help! :)


  1. :D
    Just have to comment on THAT video! This is amazing!! I'd love to be able to do that one day... so, in some years maybe we'll meet at a cafe and talk like them? What do you think? :P

  2. Yes! As long as I don't have to speak any German! ;)
