Saturday 10 May 2014

Say Yes

Ok, so I know this blog is entitled "Amanda's Adventures" and therefore, should be all about the amazing, exciting, challenging things I am doing, and mostly it is. It probably looks like I am having adventures, and I am.  Serving as a missionary in the schools in northern England, traveling to Europe, living and working in a different country with a different culture (and believe me, the culture here IS different!)  But I will be honest with you: I've been playing it safe.

Yes, it takes some measure of courage (or stupidity) to leave your country and go work in another, to leave everyone you know and go meet a whole host of new people, to say goodbye to comfort and hello to challenge, but still, in all that, it is possible to just stay "safe."

What do I mean by that? Well, every day in ministry I have the opportunity to be stretched and to grow, or I can say no. I won't lie; I have said no a lot. Why? Because saying yes is difficult. Saying yes means moving out of my comfort zone. Saying yes means maybe looking like a fool. Saying yes isn't safe.

I won't be too hard on myself (other people can do that for me); I am just recently getting used to being here--yes, it's taken this long! I have now settled in to this work, this town, these people, accepting that this is my life for the present time. In addition, I have had my own personal struggles outside of Pais and Southport to work through. So, here I am now, settled in and realizing the Lord has more adventures for me, but that those adventures don't come through staying safe. They don't come through saying no. They come through saying yes.

What I have become aware of recently is that, when you're face to face with challenges, you realize things about yourself you never noticed before. I never realized before how much social anxiety I have suffered from in my life. I have always shied away from large gatherings, preferring one-on-one meetings instead and keeping quiet when I absolutely had to be around lots of people. I also have noticed how fearful I am of looking foolish. I have never, ever embraced looking silly. It's a pride thing, I know. But how do you work with young people without looking silly?? I tell you, it's not possible! 

Because of these fears (and perhaps some others), I have said 'no' quite a bit. I have tried to avoid facing them. I have tried to work around them. I have tried to make excuses for myself. I realize now, however, that I can no longer do that. When God puts a challenge before you, that is your opportunity to grow. If you don't take it, you won't grow. And I want to grow. So I need to say yes.

And I intend to. The Lord has really worked in me during my 5 months here (I can hardly believe it's been 5 months!). Through the battle that I fought and the work that I have done, He has been changing me, as I expected He would. It has not been easy, but it is good. He is preparing me for more adventures, and I cannot wait to see where He will take me. But in order for me to go on adventure with Him, I have to say yes! To all that He has for me. I have to trust Him. I have to lean on Him. I have to look to Him. Every second of every day. He alone can empower me to do the work that He is calling me to do. I just want to say yes.

And I want to challenge you to say yes as well. Is there something that God is speaking to you? Calling you to do? Something He is laying on your heart? Is He asking you to step out of your comfort zone, to trust Him and allow Him to lead you? My friend, do it: say yes.

1 comment:

  1. I always say that being a parent is the world's best excuse to act like a complete idiot in public. At least, that's my cover story. ;-)
