Sunday 25 May 2014

Dared to Love

Because I know you can't stand the wait any longer...

I will tell you what Dared to Love is.

Dared to Love is something that we as a Pais team have the option of doing. It is a week where we organize activities to specifically and intentionally show the love of Jesus to our local community with the help of the young people we regularly encounter, who are all out of school this week, so what better thing to do than local mission!

There are five aims--Encouragement, Action, Invitation, Compassion and Generosity and each event is planned around one of those aims. We are actually doing six events in five days, the first covering each of the aims, and then one event for each of the others.

This is a big deal. It has taken a lot of planning, and we're not finished yet! But in it all, our goal is to show the love of Jesus to the people in our community and to take young people along with us to show them how they too can touch the lives of others with the love of God.

So, tomorrow is a day of prayer and fasting before we begin the week. Tuesday is the first event and the last is on Saturday. Some events are larger than others, but they are all (or will all be) carefully planned and hopefully well promoted. If you read this sometime in the next week, PLEASE pray for us and this week of events. Pray that everything goes smoothly, that no one gets hurt, that people turn up, that the youth are encouraged and empowered, that the people in the community receive greater revelation of Jesus's love for them, and that the whole week is a success in the eyes of the One whose opinion is the only one that matters. Thank you!

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