Monday 2 June 2014

Dared to Love: A Glimpse

Last week was our Dared to Love week, and it was amazing! We could definitely feel the presence and provision of the Lord during our activities. And we did some awesome stuff! We prayed for our town. We bought people coffee. We gave out sweets in the street. We wrote encouraging letters, tied them to balloons and handed them out to strangers (There's an awesome testimony of this which I will share next time!). We did gardening projects for people who couldn't do it themselves. We hosted a tea & coffee afternoon in a poorer area of town. We helped at a food bank. And we threw a Fun Day--a bouncy castle, face painting, live music and biscuits--all for free! It was such a great week, which took a lot of work, but the young people who came with us did a fantastic job and, in my opinion, it could not have gone any better! Thank you everyone for your prayers. They were heard!

My amazing team made a short video of our Dared to Love week. Enjoy!

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