Tuesday 10 June 2014

Dared to Love: Photos

Group photo before handing out the letters we wrote which we attached to balloons. 

Ok, here is the testimony I promised in the last post.
One of the girls who came last week hasn't ever done any events with us before, but she is part of a church we are friends with. She wrote a letter, attached it to a balloon and handed it out to a random stranger, just like the rest of us. And three days later Tabz received a message from a friend on Facebook:

Today a woman named Fabi came into my work, she's a volunteer there, and she told me this story: She has recently given her life to Jesus, maybe three weeks ago, and was talking the other day to the vicar who was expressing God's heart for her...telling her that God loves her, that she's beautiful, all of these things...I think things she had never thought God would think about her, even mentioning her wonderful curly hair. 

Her husband is a manager in a cafe in Southport, and he ended up with one of your balloons. He took it home and gave it to their daughters, which they took, and gave Fabi the envelope, which until this point, remained unopened. Fabi opened the envelope and read what was basically the exact same conversation she had had with the vicar the day before. 

She came into the office today telling everyone about how God has been speaking to her. In the letter, it commented on her lovely hair as well...it was just so meant to be for her, and really blessed, touched and encouraged her. 

Can you believe that??? God knew exactly what Fabi needed to hear to encourage her and to show her that He is real and that He cares for her!! And then what did she do? She went into work telling everyone what had happened! It reminds me of John 4 where it says, "And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, 'He told me all that I ever did.'" God is SO GOOD!

 Because You're Loved t-shirts

Sarah and her team praying for Southport

Trey and his team

Some of our team talking to people on the street

Two of our amazing young people and Luisa before we distributed balloons and letters

Gardening project! These guys worked so hard.

Sarah mowing...for the first time ever. Haha!

Tabz with the trimmer. Can you see the difference from the first pic?? That was after several hours of work!

One of my favs standing in the bin :)

Serving the community of High Park (probably the poorest neighborhood in Southport) at our tea/coffee afternoon

Chatting with our guests

Helping with the food bank

Praying over the food

Face painting at the Fun Day

Live music! These guys are great!

Our bouncy castle! The kids loved it :)

I hope you enjoyed the pics from our Dared to Love week. We had a great time blessing and serving our community. We worked hard, sowed seeds and showed the love of God to the people of Southport. What a privilege for us!

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