Friday 23 May 2014

Weekly Wrap 14

Wow, that last post was neither exciting, encouraging, nor enlightening. Sorry!

Well, this week's Weekly Wrap is coming a bit early. That's probably because I am still in work-mode and quite afraid that once I've left that place I'll be dead to the world for the rest of the weekend. This has been an intense week for me, a good one, but an intense one.

This week was my turn to lead the team. Each of our team members has recently gotten a chance to lead, and this week was mine, right before our Dared to Love event (which I will explain in another post), but it is a fairly significant event. I enjoyed the chance to lead more than I thought I would. I got the opportunity to change things up a bit and I made my team members do some silly things--that was fun for me! I made them hula hoop. I made them play football. I made them tie balloons to their ankles and run around trying to pop everyone else's balloon. I threatened to pour un-drunk tea over one of them (see video below). I organized a coffee shop work morning (because there's no better place to work!). I got to facilitate discussions regarding lunch club and assembly ministry prep. I scheduled in special encouragement for us to share with each other. I got them to write one other member of our team a card of encouragement. We studied Philippians 2:1-18 this week and were challenged about grumbling and complaining. We pulled off our Dared to Love Launch Night into which we put a lot of preparation. I got to lead worship with my bro Trey (although my voice gave out half-way through and we had to call it quits). I got to invest into my team individually and corporately, and I got the opportunity to experience life as a Pais team leader...and partly year I will be leading the Pais Walsall team!!!!

You may have already known that or figured it out from clues I've left in previous posts. But as of now, I am on track to be in Walsall next year (which is right outside Birmingham [the 2nd largest city in the UK]), leading the team there with an Assistant Team Leader named Becky who is currently on that team. I am very excited about this opportunity. The situation for that team is quite different from the situation with the Pais Southport team; they are all in one secondary school (high school)--their Pais office is even located within the school--and they are all (currently) serving at the same church. They are well supported by the school and the church and have a great opportunity to focus their attention and energy in a concentrated way to make a massive impact with the young people (and adults!) in those places. I am planning to go visit them the week after next and can't wait to see them in action!

A few pictures of the week for you
These are the bags we made to give out for our Dared to Love Launch Night. 
Doesn't it make you curious to know what this is all about?? :)

My team at my house socializing after the Launch Night

This was my favorite moment of the whole week--my team reading the cards of encouragement we had written each other.

At our Thursday lunch club, Tabz shared about 'Exceeding Expectations' using a chocolate cake to demonstrate. Who wouldn't want to go to a lunch club where there's chocolate cake??

A short video from my lead week. 
PS have I mentioned lately that I LOVE MY TEAM?? :)


  1. Bahaha! That made me miss you so much!! I'm guessing he did not end up with it on his head? ;)

  2. No, he didn't :( We were all too afraid to make him angry. Haha. Miss you so much too!!
