Sunday 18 May 2014

Weekly Wrap 13

I know it's time for a Weekly Wrap, but honestly, I don't know what to say. These past two weeks since the M4 Tour have been a blur. Time is going quickly. In addition, I lost my phone over a week ago, and therefore have been unable to document anything. So, no new pictures. Sorry.

This week I am leading the team. Prayers please. The week after that is half-term, and a specific event we are preparing for that week (I will tell you more about that later). And the week after that I am going to visit the team that works where I will be located in the Fall (Also, more about that at another time).

Nothing much is new--I lost my phone (I think I said that already) and had to buy a new one. In addition, I purchased my ticket to return to the UK in the Fall. Those two things mean a lot of money has slipped out of my account lately. That's not encouraging. Plus, allergies have hit, and I feel rubbish. Perhaps that is why I cannot think of any enlightening updates. Sorry peeps. Maybe next week.

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