Saturday 26 April 2014

Amanda Hits Germany!

From the beautiful Torino, I travelled, by train, through the south of France to Stuttgart in Germany.

 Just some views from the train

In Germany, I got to visit my amazing friend and former roommate from East Sussex, Sarah!
This is one Godly, generous, talented, big-hearted, considerate, encouraging and joyful woman! It is my honor to know her and call her friend!
Me inside the Old Castle in Stuttgart
The outside of the Old Castle
Outside the New Castle in Stuttgart 
The back side of the New Castle
The Opera in Stuttgart
Pretzel stand
Because in Germany, it's all about the pretzels. They're everywhere!

And yes, I made Sarah take me to the Starbucks in Stuttgart! I wanted to see how it compares to 'Bucks in America (I missed out in Italy because they don't have Starbucks there...yet). Honestly, it's about the same.
 One day Sarah took me to the village where she grew up: Bad Mergentheim 
Town centre
So cute! 

Beautiful German countryside!
Ok, so there aren't as many pictures from Germany as there were from Italy. But that is mainly because Sarah and I spent so much time talking, eating, relaxing and basically just enjoying doing nothing. It was a great time for us of catching up on the year that we haven't seen each other--so much has happened in both of our lives since last Spring, and it was a huge blessing to be able to visit her!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dear! :D
    I just wanted to see what's going on... and I just read this! <3 It was soooo amazing that you came and visited me in Germany! Thank you again for that amazing time!

    Miss you much and many blessings!
