Sunday 6 April 2014

Weekly Wrap 12

Mission: Impossible was a great success!! Thank you to everyone who prayed! The kids had a great time, and we as a team were able to stay strong until the very end, even though doing the same thing multiple times a day for two weeks can become mundane, not to mention exhausting. But it was fantastic! So many kids were able to hear the Easter message and decide for themselves if Jesus did in fact rise from the dead. About 90% said they did--including several Muslims as well as some kids who had made it known that they did not believe in God. Wow. Yeah!

Now we are off for Easter holidays! Tuesday I am heading to Turin, which is in northern Italy, to see my beautiful friend Silvia. She studied tourism at university, so I know she will have amazing things around the city to show me. I think we may even take a day trip to Milan! Then I will be taking a train from Turin through Paris to Stuttgart to visit my beautiful friend Sarah in Germany! I cannot wait! I am so blessed by these Godly women and it has been such a long time since I've seen them. So much has happened, but God has been amazing to give me this opportunity to visit them! I'm so excited!

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