Wednesday 28 March 2018

The Side of Love

It's not often I think to myself 'I'm watching history in the making.' But tonight I did. I started following the BBC on Facebook recently and they posted a video about protests in Barcelona in response to Carles Puigdemont's arrest in Germany where he'll stay until his extradition order is processed.

It reminds me of King Charles II of England running for his life in the middle of the night only to be caught and executed. It's easy to read that from a distance of several hundred years and only consider the events historically. But the English Civil War was real for the people of the day, and what's happening in Spain is real for them as well. Just as what is happening in America is real for these brave students who are protesting and demanding better government. Things are heating up; they have been and they will continue to escalate.

It makes me think it's time to decide where I stand. For so long I've refused to take a side or voice an opinion on things, partly because I can see from so many different perspectives so it's hard to pick just one, but also partly because people are so opinionated and usually they're very passionate about their opinions (and the louder they get the more annoyed I get). I don't want to argue. But I want to know what I think and why I think that. I want to know where I land. And I want the place I land to be the side of Love.

Am I for or against greater gun control? I'm for Life, so you tell me. Where do I stand on the situation in Spain? Am I for or against an independent Catalonia? I'm for the people who live there, for those who need to know Truth, Freedom, Hope and Peace, all of those things that come wrapped up in a beautiful man named Jesus.

So that's where I stand, on the side of Jesus and on the side of Love.

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