Tuesday 20 March 2018

It's All About Love

I don't really know what to write about today. It's not that nothing's happened, but I'm struggling to put today into words. 'What was the most significant part of my day?' Maybe that question will jog some thoughts. Well, we had ESOM this morning, as is usual for a Tuesday. We spent the entire time listening to each others' stories from recent mission trips. A few weeks ago, the interns split up for special trips, one group went to Carlisle, one to London and one to Norway. It was amazing to hear how God met each group in their circumstances and how they shared His love with people. Most of our interns talked about how they gave specific and accurate prophetic words to people or how they had words of knowledge for people or about how they prayed for people and they got healed. But it was so cool because at the end of our time together, the last people to share about their trips really just brought it back around to what's most important: LOVE. Love is such a catalyst for change and giving people an opportunity to encounter God and experience His presence, well, that's love right there. We can operate in such a high level of prophecy, we can move in signs and wonders, but if we don't have love, we're 'nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate,' so says The Message. And that's what I experienced in Belfast last weekend. It was Love that led the church to share God's heart with people on a day historically known for drunkenness and violence. It was Love that caused our leaders to weep over their community before we went out. It was Love that filled my heart and compelled me to speak and act and be Jesus to people I don't know and may never see again in this life. And that's what it's all about.

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