Wednesday 14 March 2018

Help Yourself Out

I finally took the time to read and respond to my friend who sent me her sample blog post and I gave her some feedback. I have to laugh at myself now though as I clearly understand what's important in setting up a great blog and what needs to be included and what pitfalls to avoid, but I don't actually do those things myself.

How often in life do we know the right thing to do, but we don't do it? The feedback I gave my friend was not revolutionary. She probably could have thought through all that herself. But she asked me. I often do the same when it comes to life.

I find myself in situations and feel I don't really know what to do. I feel like I need someone to give me wisdom. (To be honest, I sometimes think through who I could ask and come up with no one. Then I'm reminded that the Holy Spirit is our Counsellor, so I talk to Him. And He gives great advice!) Even though I think I often give others pretty good advice and ask provoking questions to help them find a solution to their problem, when it comes to my own life, this doesn't seem to be the case.

But every once in a while, it is. Sometimes I choose to be very intentional to talk to myself as I would a friend, to remove myself mentally from my situation and ask the questions I would ask if someone else came to me with this problem, to give myself the feedback I would offer to another and usually I'm quite surprised at what I come up with.

I think, in general, we often know the right thing to do or to say, but perhaps it needs some drawing out, some provocation to help bring it to the surface, to the forefront of our mind where we can see practically what we need to do and how. I think we're much more intelligent and capable than we give ourselves credit for, but maybe we just need to be more intentional to help ourselves out.

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