Monday 12 March 2018

Just Write

Last week a friend sent me a sample blog post to read and asked me to give her feedback because she's thinking of creating a blog and wants to develop the discipline of writing. And I felt convicted.

I know I'm supposed to write. It's a calling on my life. I even received a powerful prophetic word about it a few weeks ago. But to be honest, I get so overwhelmed with what to write, I rarely end up actually doing it. There are just so many options of things I could write about. And then there's the actual effort and energy that go into getting those half-thoughts/images/emotions out of my head and into words that make sense to other people. When I simply start thinking about writing about something, the amount of work involved (for me) makes me tired from the outset. But I think, like learning and growing in anything, it's about strength-training. The more you do something, the more you can do.

So I had the idea yesterday that I would write (on here) every day at lunch time. Maybe even before I eat lunch so that I have to earn my food. Haha. I don't know why this has been so difficult for me; maybe I think about things too much and need to realise that I don't need to have every thought, idea, expression planned out perfectly. Maybe I just need to do it. So, prepare yourself, because I have no idea what's coming. It will probably be an imperfect smattering of the aspects that make up my life right now, a mess of thoughts and emotions that I will try to convey coherently, and if you want to read it and are able to get anything out of it, so much the better!

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