Wednesday 4 April 2018

Waves of Grief

Almost 5 years ago I lost a really good friend. Not to death, just relationally. And while that might not seem like a big deal, it really was to me. That friendship was one of the most significant friendships of my life and I suffered a lot when it ended.  It was really intense for me and the pain lasted a lot longer than I expected it to, but very gradually, that pain settled into waves of grief, coming less frequently, coming less intensely.

But today a wave hit me and it hit hard. Nothing happened that I'm aware of to trigger it, but today has been significantly difficult, like a wave of grief has washed over me.

I don't know much about grief. This is the only instance where I've really experienced it. But I *think* the best thing to do when hit by a wave is just to let it come. I think fighting against it won't help. I think acting on it isn't wise. I think letting it come and then go is probably the best thing to do. So that's what I'm doing. I'm thanking God for the sweet times and trusting Him with the pain and choosing to believe that He works all things together for good.

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. -Psalm 27:13

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