Monday 29 February 2016

No Other Option

This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately in my own walk with God. Then I read something Bob Sorge wrote in his book Secrets of the Secret Place that confirmed what I had been thinking. Unfortunately, the book is at home and I am currently at work on my lunch break, so I'll quote Bob later.

What I've been thinking about is free will. I know many people have strong opinions about free will, including Christians, and I do as well. Maybe you will disagree with me, and that's fine, but here's what I think.

When you sign up to be a Christian, when you give your life to Jesus, you give up your free will. When you make Jesus the Lord (aka Boss) of your life, what He says goes. There is no saying 'No' at that point. To say 'No' to Him once you have initially said 'Yes,' in my mind, un-does the entire 'Yes.' When we say 'No' to Him, we are essentially saying, 'No, You're not the boss of my life; I am,' which completely contradicts His Lordship in our lives.

For me, I know there is something God has told me to do that, originally I didn't want to do. And I told Him no. I flat-out refused to be obedient to Him in that. But fortunately that didn't last long. My desire to be obedient to Him won out and I chose to say yes even though it was not something I wanted to do. Since then, He has worked in me and in my heart to bring me to the point where I want to do what He told me to do and even though it's been really difficult, I cannot imagine saying no to Him now, now that I've realized what saying no to Him actually means.

So for me, when God tells me to do something, and I feel convicted that He has in fact said *this,* I have no other option but to say yes. In saying yes to Jesus generally, I am obligated to say yes to Jesus specifically.

I have more thoughts on this, but I'll save that for another day.

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