Saturday 13 February 2016

It's February Already!

Instead of beginning this blog post with apologies for the fact that I have not posted in over two months (yeah, I know), I'm going to tell you that I have established a goal for myself, along with someone who will keep me accountable, to write TWO blog posts every week! That means for those of you who read my blog, you will get so much more insight into what's going on in my heart, mind and life! Lucky you! (I joke). But God has been doing a lot and I am happy to share what He's been up to in my life and what He's currently challenging me with in my walk with Him. I hope whatever I write, He uses to encourage you!

Since December, I have moved to beautiful Lancashire where the sun shines not so much at this time of year, but when it does, we appreciate it! I now work with the national directors of Pais GB and I love the work I am doing! It's been six weeks since I officially began this role and it has challenged me and I know it will continue to do so. But that's good! It's giving me opportunities to grow, which I need. Praise the Lord!

In addition to all the changes that have already occurred since December (moving, new job, new living situation, new church, new friend-group, new life-rhythm), I feel there are more changes on the horizon. I can't say specifically what they are right now, but God is birthing something new in my life in this season. It has been coming for a long time, and I won't lie, the season I have been in for quite a while hasn't been easy. And that's ok, because life isn't supposed to be easy! But part of the reason it has been challenging is because God has been working in me to prepare me for what He has prepared for me, whatever that is. I don't know exactly what to expect; I just feel there's something different coming, which is very exciting, because I like to see God moving! So, in the coming days, as God does whatever it is He is going to do, I will keep you updated as much as I can. But honestly, probably, a lot of it will be about what He's doing in me and speaking to me and challenging me about as I follow Him on what I believe is a road I've never walked before. So, thank you for your prayers; keep praying for me. Good things are ahead!

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