Wednesday 24 February 2016

He Doesn't Lie

So, I promised you two blog posts a week and last week there was NOTHING. I wouldn't blame you if you began to doubt my word about consistency in posting. Seriously. However, in my defense, we had our annual Swap conference last week, which is an international conference we both host and participate in. We had more than 100 delegates attend Swap from at least 9 different nations, which is amazing! So to say we were busy is a bit of an understatement.

That said, I will get on with today's post in order to fulfill my promise that there will be two posts per week. Yes, last week, I missed it. I didn't do it. I can't say for sure that I wasn't able to, but considering the circumstances of my life last week, it didn't happen. 

But with God, things are different. With God, when He makes us a promise, He delivers. Always. He doesn't ever have to say to us 'I missed it, I didn't do it, it didn't happen.' When He says He's going to do something, He does it. Numbers 23:19 specifically declares: 

God is not a man, that He should lie, 

Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

For me, I'm just going to be honest, I don't understand this. This kind of commitment to His word baffles me because that is outside of my paradigm. He does not lie. HE DOES NOT LIE. I don't know anyone who doesn't lie, at least at times. I actually hate lying but I will admit there are times I don't necessarily tell the complete truth. And I think we're all like this. We all make mistakes. We all fail at times. We all mess up and we all miss it sometimes. But not Him. He does not lie. When He says He will do something, He knows what He is saying. He knows that He is entirely able to do what He says He is going to do, that nothing can stand in His way, and that He is absolutely willing to do it. So if He says He's going to do something, you can bank on the fact that He will.

This morning I read an encouraging message from Faith Marie Baczko about Psalm 138:8 which says 'The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.' She wrote:

The word 'perfect' is the Hebrew word gamar, which means to end in the sense of COMPLETION. The English definition of the word to perfect, means: to bring to completion; to finish; to make flawless or faultless: to bring nearer to perfection; to improve; to make better: to make fully skilled.

I don't know about you, but I take comfort in the fact that God has assured me in His word that He absolutely will finish what He has started. It's His promise. He doesn't lie, and He will do what He said He will do and it will be unto completion. It isn't a half-job. He doesn't get bored in the middle or change His plans half-way through. He said He will do it and He will, completely. 

I hope that encourages you. I know that I need that reminder today, that as I am in the midst of something I believe God spoke but I cannot see the finish line yet, I can believe Him and take Him at His word, that He will do what He said He would do, unto completion, and it will be all for Him and for His glory. 

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