Saturday 13 February 2016

Battles in the Promised Land

I had a revelation several weeks (maybe months) ago about the Promised Land and immediately thought—why did I never realize that before?? When the Israelites crossed over the Jordan River into Canaan, their Promised Land, they still had battles to fight.

The battles they fought were fought both BEFORE AND AFTER they entered their Promised Land. But when you hear people these days talk about entering our own Promised Lands, we speak as though that’s when we receive what we have already been fighting for, that once we ‘cross over,’ then the battle is finished and we get to rest. But that’s not the way it was for the Israelites. And if it wasn’t that way for them, should I expect it to be that way for me?

For me, I’ve been fighting for something for a long time, and as the time has passed, the battle has gotten more and more intense, and I’ve been waiting for my Jordan River cross-over moment partly so that I can just get some (spiritual) rest! I’ve been waiting to enter into my Promised Land so that I can relax and enjoy the fruit of my labours, but if we look at the story of the Israelites, rest and relaxation were not what waited for them on the other side of the river.

Is it fair though to use the story of the Israelites’ time in the wilderness and in the Promised Land as an analogy for our lives? I’ve always thought so and most preachers seem to agree. If it is, then what are the implications?

Generally speaking, I would imagine that the implications are that I can expect more battles to fight when God gives me what He has promised me. And isn’t that just the truth of life? God is so gracious to give, and we take, with gratitude or without, and we, for whatever reason, have an expectation that NOW things will be easier. Now that I have a better-paying job, now that I have a nicer place to live, now that I have gotten married, now that the kids are out of the house. But is that the right way to look at things? I don't think so.

I've lived long enough now to realize that we will always have battles to fight, in one area of life or another, but in the battles, I think there are some things we need to remember:

 1) God gives us rest when we need it. His Word says that He gives His beloved rest, and some days, it’s hard enough just to get out of bed. He knows that and He gives us grace for that. I believe it because I’ve experienced it!

2) Each battle strengthens us for the next. We go from strength to strength so that we can fight harder and longer and more effectively with each successive battle.

3) We never fight alone. He fights for us! Multiple times His Word proclaims His faithfulness in fighting for us. In addition, there are others around us who fight alongside us. That is part of the beauty of the Body of Christ, that we stand with each other and we encourage each other!

So, for me, I’m beginning to realize that I need to think about entering my Promised Land differently. When God gives me what He has promised me, yes, it will be beautiful, yes it will bear much fruit, yes it will be provision for me, just as it was for the Israelites, but I think I need to realize also that there will still be challenges, there will still be battles to fight, there will still be situations that require great strength. HOWEVER, I know that there are three things I can absolutely rely on in the midst of all that:

1) There is rest to be found even in the midst of the battle.

2) God is continually strengthening me as I fight.

3) I don’t have to do this alone!

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