Sunday 28 September 2014

Weekly Wrap 18

Last week went by very quickly as it was quite full!

We started our breakfast club on Monday of this past week, which is a big deal because it's every day before school. We also started our Thursday after school club this week. Those were in addition to the Tuesday after school Christian union we run and our Wednesday lunch club. It was a busy week!

On Tuesday at our Christian Union I shared part of my testimony and unpacked Romans 12:1 a bit, using my story to encourage the young people to give their lives wholly to God, expecting Him to give them not orders and commands, but invitations to opportunity and adventure
Then we had a team social at Starbucks. Happy days!
On Wednesday we had our second lunch club, at which Felix talked about his story of feeling hopeless and challenged the young people to think about who they could talk to in tough times (family members, friends, Jesus, the Pais team, etc.)

Wednesday was a late night for us as it was Open Evening at the school, a chance for families from Walsall with kids in Year 6 to come check out Grace to see if they want to send their kids there next year. We did our breakfast club in the library during that time so young people and their families could get a sense of what that looks like.

On Friday we did our weekly training from Pais with the legendary Paul Gibbs discussing the Four levels of Haverim Devotion (aka Bible study). 
Friday night was a great night, first with kids club and then a joint youth group session with young people from Becky, Clara and Felix’s church at Bath Street. They played trolley hockey and I have since gained confirmation that abstaining from this game was a wise choice as other leaders my age complained about aches and pains for a few days after.
Saturday was a peaceful and relaxing day and today was church, lunch and more church, plus a bit of work. Now I'm off to bed (at 9pm!) to rest up for another busy week!

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