Sunday 5 October 2014

Weekly Wrap 19

So, life is busy! Whenever anyone asks how I am, the answer is always the same--busy and tired! But that's good because that means we are being productive! We have a lot going on each week, and from this point forward, there will just be more (God help!). But He enables us to do the work, it's worth it, and we all enjoy it.

On Tuesday, we had our usual Christian Union after school where Felix shared his testimony about how God healed him physically and brought him through a very difficult season, encouraging the students to trust Him when they too go through trials. Wednesday Clara brought the Word! at our weekly lunch club and talked about forgiveness, sharing her story of choosing to forgive someone who had hurt her and how that brought her healing and freedom. Thursday we got to attend an oh-so-interesting safeguarding course, and on Friday, we met up with the other team in our area for a day of encouragement, training and planning. All of this in addition to what we already do every week!

My weekend was also fairly eventful. Here it is in pictures, from most recent to least: 

This JUST happened. My host bought her house from a lovely old couple at church who recently told her there's something interesting beneath the floorboards in the pantry. So, what did she do when she came home from church? She had a look! 
And found a machete! Apparently the couple were having some work done on the house years ago by some Gypsies...who threatened them with this! Things got chaotic, it got left behind and the lovely little couple didn't know what to do with it. So they put it here...where it remains.
Tomorrow is Becky's 21st birthday! So today we had birthday dinner out with family and friends. Here is one of her cakes, a panda, which she flat-out refused to cut into, saying "How can you eat a panda??" 
This morning at church our pastor Mark talked about charity. Of course, he had to reference the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which one of the members of our congregation had been challenged to do, but never did, until today! That makes for fun church! PS Did you know Prince Harry was challenged to do this by Jamie Oliver, but apparently, if he ever did it, the video is nowhere to be found. Props to anyone who can find it for me! 
Girls night out Saturday night to support Good Traditions, my church's Irish band 
Me with my host Ruth 
Good Traditions! 
Friday night we took our youth bowling

So, all in all, had a busy, work-packed week followed by a great weekend! Now I need some rest, but of course, everything begins all over tomorrow morning! Good thing I love my job!

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