Sunday 19 October 2014

Weekly Wrap 21

Busy week, long, tired, blah blah blah...

Here are the highlights!

This is Nicole, my best friend. This week she turned 30!!!!! I can't believe I couldn't be there to celebrate with her, but I did my best from across the pond and sent her a few things. 
Like an Edible Arrangement. These things are fun and unique and probably taste pretty good!
And I sent her some of her favorite flowers. Aren't they pretty? My best friend is amazing and I am honoured to have her in my life, even from such a distance, 
This week in the team we studied Matthew 25, the Parable of the 10 Virgins. I have never looked at this story in light of the two parables either side of it, noticing what is similar and what is different. It's interesting to take the whole of Jesus's sermon, from the beginning of chapter 24 to the end of 25 to get a broader view of what He's talking about and specifically what He's instructing His disciples to take care of and why. I got some new revelation this week and as a team we had some great discussions as we talked about these verses.
At our after-school club on Tuesday, we got the young people to play a game about following someone else's leadership... 
...and challenged them to let Jesus be the captain of their lives. Then we made these cool origami boats! 
On Wednesday at our weekly lunch club, Becky talked about what to do when you feel like you're just going to explode, with a really cool demonstration involving a soda can. Did you know that if you shake a soda can, but then tap it a bit, you can diffuse all the bubbles so it won't explode? Becky talked about how in her life all these issues would pile themselves up within her, causing her to feel like she was a soda can about to explode. But then Jesus came and tapped on her shoulder, just a gentle tap, but over and over again in different situations, and He diffused her anger and all the emotions that had built up within her. Pretty cool, yeah? So our challenge to the young people was...
This lunch club was incredible! In large part due to the fact that one of our young people, while failing to play a game correctly, dropped TWO shaken soda cans onto the classroom floor, which burst open, showering both the carpet and the ceiling with soda!! What can I say? It was epic and the kids won't forget that anytime soon! 
On Friday night Becky and I hit Birmingham to see Miranda Hart's stand-up show. We ate Mexican, had some coffee and dessert and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed... 

I love Caffe Nero!!

Waiting for the show to start! It was amazing!!

Well, we as a team are quite busy and our calendar is full! This next week is our last week before half-term during which we will go to a Pais conference for what they promise is a time of refreshing and encouragement. I hope so! 

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