Sunday 12 October 2014

Weekly Wrap 20

It's 9:30pm and I'm exhausted! This is my life! But life is good, so that's ok. Mostly this post will be pics because it's been a long week.

Every day in our team we have Bible study, which I love! This week we focused on Galatians 5, walking according to the Spirit, not according to the flesh. I was encouraged that we first need to receive the fruit of the Spirit before we can give/demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit.
Monday was Becky's 21st birthday! We ate a lot of cake! And she and I are going to see Miranda Hart live in Birmingham on Friday to celebrate! Woohoo!!!

Johanna led our lunch club this week, talking about change and how Jesus is the only one who can truly transform us! 
This was our Butterfly Effect activity where we challenged our students to think of something about themselves they would like to change but haven't been able to, something they would like Jesus to change about them. It was great
It rained a lot this week, but that's ok--we got this
On Saturday we had our team social and went to the Birmingham aquarium

I was making fish faces at the fish. I think Becky was talking to them #imnottheweirdest 

 Why are these suckers so pretty??

Garden eels. Ew. Gross.
 Interesting reading...
 We learned a lot about Clownfish...for example, did you know, the female is the dominant one in the relationship and if she dies, the strongest male will then transform to become a female?? Becky couldn't help but notice they left that detail out of Finding Nemo. Can you imagine how that might have changed the story?
<3 My Germans 
After eating a late Mexican lunch, we hit up my favorite coffee shop--Caffe Nero (cuz it's Italian!) without Felix #girlsjustwannahavefun

We had a great week FULL of work, including our first series of assemblies--we did one every day in addition to our normal ministry. Then, a day out in Birmingham yesterday and church (morning and evening) for all of us today. But in its fullness, it has been amazing. I love my work. I love my school. I love my team. Amen and amen.

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