Monday 22 September 2014

Weekly Wrap 17

Wow, it's been a crazy week! Last week was our first full week in school and also our first lunch club! But I must say, it went really well! In general, my team and I are adjusting to the staff, young people and to the rhythm of the school. We are learning what we can do and what we cannot do. We are becoming more familiar with the atmosphere and the culture of the place. And we are now doing ministry! Here are a few pics from last week. Enjoy!
Becky and I had our first "Leaders' social" this week. We (aka she) made Mexican!! Quiero la comida Mexicana!

Our first lunch club! I gave a short version of my testimony, sharing some of my fears that God has helped me overcome, and challenged the students to think about their fears, things that might be holding them back, fears they are tired of allowing to control them. Then we wrote our fears on balloons and popped them all together. It was a blast! (Yeah, I just wrote that.)

     Only Felix is tall enough...

This week we studied Joshua 6 and talked about the Israelites marching around Jericho. Becky challenged us to build a wall with the materials she gave us while considering what our Jericho might be, those walls in our hearts and lives that may need to come down.

This was one of my favorite things this week! On Saturday my host Ruth and I went to, as they call it, "The Garden," which is a green patch of land in the centre of Caldmore (pronounced "Karma," oddly enough). Caldmore is a neighborhood mostly inhabited by Muslims and Hindus (and a few Polish people), and this was the band from my church playing worship songs! The Muslim ladies on the left seemed to enjoy it!

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