Sunday 16 November 2014

Weekly Wrap 23 Part II

Because it has been such a long time since I've posted a real update, I'm just going to give you highlights here.

The first Sunday in November, we had a Family Sunday at Bath Street where we had activities geared mostly for our young people and their parents. We have quite a few young people who come to kids club and youth group on Friday nights, but whose parents don't come to church on Sundays. So we thought this would be a creative way to get them to come to church and to engage with others in the family of God. It was a ton of fun!
 Three of our young people discussing painting each others' faces
Group activities for the young and not-so-young 
 Of course we busted out the Wii

Making a family tree with hand prints :)

This past week we began doing a Bible study with our Christian union that meets after school on Tuesdays. So we thought of fun ways they could do some Biblical research and find out new and interesting things about the life of Moses, which we are currently studying! 

We created some prayer spaces one day during a lunch time for the students to use during their free time. 
This is me and Becky taking advantage of a prayer space before the students came in 
At this station, students were encouraged to give their struggles to God and then drop a fizzy tablet into the water and watch it dissolve as they let go of their worries. 
This station was to thank God for the special friends He has given us.

Here the students were encouraged to write down any big questions they have for God.
This was our prayer wall, where we wrote out our prayers to God. Some were simply, 'God, help me.' 
Young people using the Be Still space

As part of our job, sometimes we get invited to go on school trips with the students. This was a day at Outward Bound where we first spent time discussing GRACE and what it looks like. Then the kids got to do fun things like abseiling and zip lines...
And this was our most recent lunch club, where we had a 100% increase of those who normally show up. Praise God! 
When I got home from school on Friday, I had a package waiting for me! My birthday present (yes, my birthday was in February!) along with some extras from my best friend! It was such an encouragement to me, and now I have Steven Furtick's newest book! Glory :)

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