Sunday 16 November 2014

Weekly Wrap 23 Part I: FRESH

Finally! A Sunday night update! I know you've been anxiously anticipating this the whole week!

FRESH first
Three weeks ago, my team and I joined the 13 other Pais teams from the UK for a conference at a retreat centre very near Wales. The point was to relax, rest and make room to hear the Lord & encourage each other in what we are doing. It was a great week and here are my highlights!

 One day we went into Shrewsbury for the afternoon where my friend Annetta and I found the most charming coffee shop with this window overlooking the town centre. This girl has been such a gift to me and God has really used her in my life to help bring wisdom and clarity!
The last night of FRESH we had a bonfire (of course there were marshmallows!) where we talked about the Holy Spirit, prayed and just enjoyed being the family that we are!

The last bit of our retreat was just for the team leaders. We spent a day and a half talking about team leading, ending our time together with some powerful corporate prayer for our individual areas. This was incredible, and of course I cried...a lot. 

FRESH was a fantastic time to step back from work, do a bit of team building and really create room in our lives to allow the Lord to speak to us, which He has. For me personally, He used the time to encourage me and help me focus on what He has ahead for me.

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