Wednesday 30 July 2014


Well, how do you like my blog's new look? I thought it was about time to change the furniture around, you know, give the room a fresh feel. And that fits because I am about to begin a new leg of my adventure, and change is on its way. So I figured my blog might as well reflect that.

For the few weeks I led my team in Southport, I came up with an exercise I called "Encouragement" which we did every morning where one member of the team would share with the rest something they had found encouraging, whether it was a video, a song, a blog post, a Bible verse, a phrase someone said, whatever. And I thought I would like to implement that here and periodically share with you some of the things that encourage me.

Today I read a blog post from a blog I've never read before, and it was really refreshing. It's titled "Why Your Church Probably Sucks and You Should Be There Every Sunday." I know some Christians really struggle with the people they are in fellowship with, and some have such a difficult time that they choose to leave the church altogether. Well, if you are currently in this situation, might be in the future, or know someone else who is, here is encouragement--encouragement 1) that you're not the only one who struggles (it's actually completely common and to be expected!) and 2) to struggle through the mess.

Happy reading!

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