Thursday 31 July 2014

England isn't London

I don't know why I'm thinking about this today, but I read it somewhere and it's true, it happens to me. I tell people I'm a missionary in England, and they all end up wishing me well in London. Well, um, thank you...? But I'm not in London. That's like someone telling me they're moving to California, and I say, "Have fun in L.A.!"

London is the capital of England and has a population of 8.3 million people. England itself has a population of 53 million...Although it's a relatively small country, there is a lot more to England than London. And I have noticed that London, despite being in England, isn't really all that English. In fact, a lot of English people don't even like London. It's a very busy international city with people living there from all over the world, especially from other European and commonwealth counties (i.e., India, Australia, West Indies, etc.) and bares little resemblance to most other English towns.

Thus far, I have lived in three English towns and am about to move to my fourth, and not one of them has been London. I've included a map so you can see. The first time I lived in England, I was in Oxford, which is about an hour and a half northwest of London. The second time, I lived in the countryside near a tiny town called Battle, which, on this map, would be just east of Brighton on the south coast. It was beautiful! This past venture in England I lived in Southport, which is slightly north of Liverpool, on the west coast. And in just 5 weeks, I will be moving to Walsall, which is outside of Birmingham, located in the middle of the country. 

There is so much more to England than London, and if you weren't really aware of that before, I hope you are now. If you ever go to England, and want to experience the actual country, make sure to get out of London. Go to Brighton, Bath, Oxford, Cambridge, York or Newcastle. That is the real thing. Those places are what make England, England.

Wednesday 30 July 2014


Well, how do you like my blog's new look? I thought it was about time to change the furniture around, you know, give the room a fresh feel. And that fits because I am about to begin a new leg of my adventure, and change is on its way. So I figured my blog might as well reflect that.

For the few weeks I led my team in Southport, I came up with an exercise I called "Encouragement" which we did every morning where one member of the team would share with the rest something they had found encouraging, whether it was a video, a song, a blog post, a Bible verse, a phrase someone said, whatever. And I thought I would like to implement that here and periodically share with you some of the things that encourage me.

Today I read a blog post from a blog I've never read before, and it was really refreshing. It's titled "Why Your Church Probably Sucks and You Should Be There Every Sunday." I know some Christians really struggle with the people they are in fellowship with, and some have such a difficult time that they choose to leave the church altogether. Well, if you are currently in this situation, might be in the future, or know someone else who is, here is encouragement--encouragement 1) that you're not the only one who struggles (it's actually completely common and to be expected!) and 2) to struggle through the mess.

Happy reading!

Monday 28 July 2014


I must say, I am a big fan of adventure. I think adventure is different for everyone though. For me, adventure means new people, new places, new cultures, new languages, new experiences. And all that adds up to travel, which I think just might be my new favorite word. I had a dream last night and I think I was on four different planes. Where I was going, I have no idea. Where I am going now, in real life, well, I don't really know the answer to that either. It might be everywhere, but I know one thing for certain, it's definitely not nowhere!

Sunday 27 July 2014


Summer time and the livin' is easy! Ok, maybe not exactly easy, but definitely slower-paced and more relaxed (which is why it's been 2 weeks since the last update!). I am in the US and am takin' it slow as I do what I need to do to prepare to return to the UK in just 3 weeks! I have submitted my new visa application (please pray it's approved!) and am planning for the next academic year in Walsall. I have received information that we will have one extra member on our team, making us a team of five, which will include three, count them three Germans! I am very excited about this new development, but it does change our team dynamics as well as how I think about and plan for the team in general. So, lots of work to be done now during the summer. Fortunately, I have the time and the space to do it, in between the relaxation I have already scheduled in, that is!

Monday 14 July 2014


Several weeks ago I felt the need to spend a bit of time at the end of this Pais year reflecting on the past and praying about the future. So I booked a short little retreat for myself in the historic city of York. One of the great things about England is how cheap it can be to travel, which makes it quite convenient for people such as myself. My aim in all this was to spend some quality time with Jesus (at a cafe or two or three), with my Bible and my notebook, while also taking some time to enjoy the atmosphere of the city, and really just listen to His heart. I must say that the focus of this time ended up being different than I had planned, but sometimes He likes to do stuff like that. And while I cannot share any of that information with you, what I can share are the pictures I took. I hope you enjoy them!

Clifford's Tower 
Magistrate's Court 
The wall around York with York Minster in the centre 

York Minster 
More of York Minster 
York Minster & its beautiful stained glass windows 
One of the gates of this historic walled city

Friday 11 July 2014

Weekly Wrap 15

Well, leadership training is over. That was a long week but a really great one! I spent 5 days with my fellow 2014-2015 Pais GB team leaders, learning more about leadership and specifically how to lead a Pais team. I also got to spend more time with Becky, my assistant team leader, Luke, my Hub Leader (one of my bosses), and James, who will be leading the other team in the West Midlands Hub. I'm really excited and encouraged about the work we will do next year and am more aware that what we are doing is not a small thing and it should not be taken lightly.

We have a huge opportunity to bring about change in the lives of the people we meet, especially the young people, and it is up to us to make the most of that opportunity! Just driving around Burnley this week to and from the conference, everywhere I looked I saw Muslims--Muslim kids walking to school, teenage girls wearing the hijab, Muslim women at bus stations and coming out of local shops, Muslim men driving around town. And Walsall is no different. Honestly, I was so encouraged to see them all over the place, because you know, Jesus said the Harvest is plentiful and He was right. The Muslim community is a huge part of the Harvest in northern England, these men, women and children who don't know a loving Father or a gracious Savior. And He is getting ready to do something here! He is raising up laborers after His heart, who will serve out of love for Him, and who will take the love that they have received from Him and make it known to them. Be praying for the Muslims in the UK; they are about to get hit with the overwhelming and endless love of the Man who gave His life so that He could have their hearts forever. Amen and glory be to God who alone does wondrous things, but who invites us to partner with Him in that. What a privilege!

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Post Grad

Ok, so it's been a busy week and a half. I have officially left Southport, attended our Pais GB graduation party, graduated (from team member to team leader!), and am now in the midst of our week-long leadership training conference. Here are a few pics!
Walking to graduation
With Sarah before graduation
Hanging out before the ceremony 
Receiving my certificate from the National Director

Resonate: Leadership training
A session on team work by our National Training Director
Pete, the National Director, talking about Vision
Dan, the Assistant National Director leading a session about Invitation
Our people-chain wall display
The blue people are the kids who came to church for the first time during the 2013-2014 academic year.
The yellow people are the kids who were integrated into church during the school year.
Lunch break 
Becky (my Assistant Team Leader) made this game for the fundraising night when I was in Walsall, but we never got to play it. It's "Pin the Mole on Luke." Luke, who was the Walsall team leader, is now our Hub Leader, meaning that he will oversee multiple teams in the West Midlands.
The penalty for being late to a session. 
Last night's Girls' Social