Saturday 23 April 2016


So many things have been going through my mind lately. My thoughts throughout the weeks continually jump from one thing to the next to the next. Sometimes it feels like it never stops.

'God what are You saying to me right now?'

'I hope I don't miss my bus.'

'I need some coffee. Now.'

'Please Jesus, anybody but Trump.'

'I really need to buy my plane ticket home before the prices go up.'

'Why did my line-manager ask me to do this and where do I even start??'

'Oh, wow, look what K just did!'

'I have no idea if this local mission is actually going to work out.'

'God, did You really say that?'

And on and on it goes. I am sure you can relate.

But today is Saturday. And Saturday is for me intentionally QUIET. Saturday is usually a day I stay home and honestly, I hide, so that I can rest, away from the noise and the busy-ness and whatever it is that other people are doing. It has become my time with God to sort through all the stuff that's been going through my head and heart all week long. Of course I have short times throughout the week to do this as well, but as I'm getting older, I'm learning more about myself and one thing I've learned is that I need A LOT of quiet time in order to rest, relax and recharge (In addition to being an introvert, I am also a Highly Sensitive Person.).

So Saturday is MY day. It's my day to stay home, in my pajamas, no make up, no contacts, no effort. It's my day to shut out the opinions of others and get a break from any expectations other people might have for me. It's a day for just me and God. At least for now. As my season changes, that my very well change too, but at the moment, I embrace my freedom to do what I want with my Saturdays, and that is spend them with Him. Just us. In the quiet. In the stillness. Reflecting. Asking. Listening. Journaling. Allowing Him to speak to my heart, to encourage me and to bring me rest and hope-filled expectation for whatever lies on the other side of Saturday.

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