Saturday 23 April 2016

But Gary, There's Still a Problem

I just read a blog post written by one of my favourite writers, Gary Thomas, entitled, 'Here's Who You're Supposed to Marry,' and now I'm emotionally conflicted, wondering if I should laugh or cry. I'll probably do both, but which one first?

His advice for single women is that we choose to marry a man like this:

...If you read the book of Proverbs correctly, you'll look for a man who pursues wisdom even more than he pursues wealth or fun or video game excellence (Prov. 1:1-7). He'll be a guy who learned to listen to his mom and dad and thus developed a heart that will listen to God as he's older (1:8-9). He's the kind of guy who is able to resist peer pressure (1:10ff) and isn't driven by his lust (2:16ff). Look at how many times the book of Proverbs pleads with young men to avoid sexual temptation and ask, will your future husband take sexual integrity seriously? Do you have any idea how many wives' have had their lives turned upside down by their husband's failure to avoid sexual immorality? 

You want a man who isn't lazy (6:6-11), doesn't lie (6:17,19) and who is humble (11:2). He should be "full of the Spirit and wisdom" (Acts 6:3) and most definitely a believer (1 Cor 7:39). 

And that right there explains all of the amazing, single Godly women between 25-35 in the Western world.

This is fabulous advice Gary. I am in full agreement. But at the same time, it's completely laughable. Honestly, I know a handful of guys between 25-35 who might match this description, and I've lived in 6 cities in 2 different countries in the last 5 years, so it's not like I've got a small sampling. To go with that, I know dozens of Godly women who would love to marry a man like you describe.

Single men like this, unless I'm incredibly mistaken, which is a possibility, are few and far between, and that is an understatement. I have my own theory as to why that is, and it's a bit harsh on my parents' generation, so I'm not going to share it here. And I have a theory as to how to fix it, but only God can do that. #Revival

In the meantime, between assigning guilt as to the problem, which isn't productive or kind, and waiting on God as to the solution, which is what I've personally been doing for over a decade, what am I supposed to think about this advice? It's like saying 'You need to find yourself a polar bear at Miami beach.'

Ladies, if you've found a man like Gary describes, congratulations. Keep him, treat him well, and remember how blessed you are, because there are a ton of amazing single Godly women out there who wish they had what you have.


So many things have been going through my mind lately. My thoughts throughout the weeks continually jump from one thing to the next to the next. Sometimes it feels like it never stops.

'God what are You saying to me right now?'

'I hope I don't miss my bus.'

'I need some coffee. Now.'

'Please Jesus, anybody but Trump.'

'I really need to buy my plane ticket home before the prices go up.'

'Why did my line-manager ask me to do this and where do I even start??'

'Oh, wow, look what K just did!'

'I have no idea if this local mission is actually going to work out.'

'God, did You really say that?'

And on and on it goes. I am sure you can relate.

But today is Saturday. And Saturday is for me intentionally QUIET. Saturday is usually a day I stay home and honestly, I hide, so that I can rest, away from the noise and the busy-ness and whatever it is that other people are doing. It has become my time with God to sort through all the stuff that's been going through my head and heart all week long. Of course I have short times throughout the week to do this as well, but as I'm getting older, I'm learning more about myself and one thing I've learned is that I need A LOT of quiet time in order to rest, relax and recharge (In addition to being an introvert, I am also a Highly Sensitive Person.).

So Saturday is MY day. It's my day to stay home, in my pajamas, no make up, no contacts, no effort. It's my day to shut out the opinions of others and get a break from any expectations other people might have for me. It's a day for just me and God. At least for now. As my season changes, that my very well change too, but at the moment, I embrace my freedom to do what I want with my Saturdays, and that is spend them with Him. Just us. In the quiet. In the stillness. Reflecting. Asking. Listening. Journaling. Allowing Him to speak to my heart, to encourage me and to bring me rest and hope-filled expectation for whatever lies on the other side of Saturday.

Monday 11 April 2016


I had a revelation today. At least, I think it was today. I know part of it was born yesterday, but I think it really actually came today. But I'll start at the beginning. Well, not really the beginning because if I think about it for a minute, the 'beginning' really goes back to The Beginning, and I don't have time for all of that. Neither do you. So I'll start with yesterday.

Yesterday I was journaling and worshiping and chilling with Jon Thurlow when God encountered me quite unexpectedly. Twice. The first encounter was a wave of His love as Abba, which was amazing. But the second one really caught me off guard. 

A year ago I would have told you (and did tell some people) that there was one thing I was absolutely terrified of. If I could imagine God asking me to do the scariest thing in the world, this thing would be it. I don't often think about it; it's not something I focus on, as you can imagine. Yesterday, though, I believe God told me that that one thing I was so afraid of, that's what He has planned for me. 

Of course it is. Isn't that always the way?

You know what, though? I'm not scared anymore. I'm actually somewhat excited and a little bit curious, even though I know that this thing will be difficult for me. It will frustrate me and challenge me, and there might even be tears. But I've decided that I want to live my life on adventure and adventure for me means trusting God and leaving the comfort zone behind. This thing will certainly do that for me. It's fine, I don't like being comfortable for too long anyway. I want to do what God calls me to do and go where God calls me to go, no matter what. I want to say 'Yes.'

What is really cool though is that as I look back over the last year, I can see God has begun preparing me for this thing in certain ways that combine, a bit like puzzle pieces, to form a bigger picture. I like that. 

I'm sorry I can't tell you what this thing is. It won't be for a while; it's quite a ways down the road, and you'll find out eventually. Promise.

As for the revelation I had today, which is different from what God said He has planned for me, well, actually, I can't tell you that right now either. It's quite a massive thing and I'm still thinking about it. I'm pretty positive it will essentially be the premise of my first international best-selling book. So, I won't share it here yet (something for you to look forward to though!).

However, it is the revelation that He gave me that has enabled me to say 'Yes' to Him and His plans for me. And I know that no matter what He calls me to in the future, this revelation will help sustain me and enable me to continue to say 'Yes' to Him, whatever the situation, whatever the circumstance, no matter how scared I might be at the prospect of what He has just asked of me.  And I know, as long as He is in it and as long as He goes with me, it's going to be glorious.

Questions for you: I've often found that what we're most afraid of is what God is actually wanting to invite us into. Is there something you're afraid of doing? If God asked you to do that, what would you need in order to say 'Yes' to Him?

Friday 8 April 2016

New Year's in Germany

For anyone wondering, my article (see below) was published. I didn't actually see it in the paper, but my national director told me it was there and several people have responded to it, telling me it was encouraging to them. PTL!

I just realized tonight as I was looking through photos, that I hadn't posted my Germany pictures yet! Over New Years I went to Germany and had a blast catching up with old friends from various walks of life. And I took some photos! I've posted them below. Germany is so beautiful!

