Wednesday 23 September 2015

Back in the Saddle

We are currently in the middle of week 4, which is SO hard to believe. It seemed week three didn't even really exist. My team and I were off last Monday, worked Tuesday from Starbucks (the hardship, I know, but it's only once a year), were in school on Wednesday and then went to Warwick on Thursday for Hub day and to help Pais Warwick with their weekender. 

Here are a few pics from the weekend:
Every session at the weekender started with worship, which I loved!

Here, Luke, the West Midlands Hub Leader and his wife Lou, a youth worker at this particular church are leading a game with the help of the fabulous Paul Faulkner and the legendary James Tunnacliffe. These guys are brill! 
Dan Randall, the Assistant National Director of Pais GB, and my future 'boss' came to preach about the Holy Spirit. Lou introduced him to the young people and cheesy jokes, which I am happy to have forgotten, were exchanged.

Fenja, leading some of the young people in a German game called 'the Funky Chicken' (It's not what you think.).

Bethany sharing her story of why she joined Pais.

For those of you who understand Myers-Briggs, I made my teammates take the personality test. Look! No T's or P's! Can you believe that??

I will admit that, to this point, leading this new team has been a challenge for me. I have struggled leading knowing I will not be with this team long, and that creates different challenges. In addition, for some reason I didn't consider the fact early on that I would be going from a team who, at the end of last year, knew everything they needed to do, did quality ministry even without my input, remembered what they needed to remember (sometimes reminding me of things I had forgotten), had caught the vision and maintained the positive and encouraging atmosphere I worked hard to create at the beginning, to a team that pretty much knew nothing about the school or me or each other or what they need to do and when...and that honestly disturbed me for the first few weeks. I really forgot how hard it can be at the beginning. Sometimes it feels like pulling a train. But then, by the grace of God, I remembered that it felt like that at the start of last year as well and gradually, my team members got it and started running with it and they were total stars! So, I have great hope for this group of people, even if I can only lead them for a few more weeks. They are going to do great work and bring real light and truth to the young people of Darlaston!

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