Wednesday 4 May 2016

Because You're Loved Tour 2016

As Pais GB, we just had the biggest weekend of the year. So much planning goes into this event, so many volunteer hours, so much money (well, at least, it's a lot of money to us!). But it is totally worth it.

Every year on this weekend, what English people know as May bank holiday weekend (the first May bank holiday, because there are two every May), we have our annual Because You're Loved Tour where Pais teams from around the country come to Burnley with their young people for a weekend of training and mission! This year, we had almost as many teenagers as we have Pais apprentices! It was crazy, awesome and honestly, super loud!

Our weekend consisted of the BYL Tour 2016 kick-off, our annual free Fun Day for the community, a free gig from Twelve24, a hip-hop band from Manchester, four different local mission projects throughout the area, and church (of course!). These activities were planned and run in order to show those in our communities that they are loved.

As for our local mission projects, we got to do a BYL give-away in Burnley town centre, a Fun Day in Accrington, help a local farmer whose land and livestock were severely affected by recent floods, and do a pamper day and afternoon tea at the local women's refuge.

I was the one who got to organize the pamper day/afternoon tea at the women's refuge and it was such a privilege for me! These are women and children who have suffered abuse, usually from the men in their life, and have had the courage to walk away, but needed a safe place to go. They have wounds inside and out, and it was a massive blessing to be able to bring a little bit of joy to their lives. We did their hair and make-up and let them go to town with the nail polish, and took glamour shots for them. Then we set out treats for afternoon tea--little sandwiches, quiche, and lots of cakes, in addition to tea and coffee. It was a blast for all of us and there were smiles all around.

Twelve24's gig was a massive success! They spent Friday in two schools with the Pais Burnley team and on Saturday night, about 250 teenagers showed up at Life Church to rock out with them. The band ended the evening by sharing the Gospel and over 100 young people made decisions for Jesus!

These are just a few examples of the kinds of work we do on Pais. Our heart is to bless those around us with the love of God and help the young people (teenagers) we work with learn to do the same and to cultivate that as a lifestyle. It is an honour for us and we love doing it!

***I don't often ask for money, but I'm going to now. Once a year we have a Pais GB fundraiser, for which we will participate in a 10K. The goal of each team member is to raise 100 pounds (about $170 at the moment). Our 10K is on May 21st, just a few weeks away, and I would love for you to be able to partner with us and the work we are doing in England. To do this, click here. Amounts of $5 and $10 are very much appreciated!

Below are some pictures from this weekend so you can see what we've been up to and what we want to continue to be able to do! Thank you!

My good friend Paul bringing encouragement that what happens on Tour does NOT stay on Tour. This stuff is a lifestyle! 
The one and only Dan Randall. Really, there are no words... 
Because You're Loved is a tool developed by our friends who lead Pais Ireland (and which just won the national Youthwork award for best resource). Find out more about it here!
Sibylle with some of her awesome young people 
Fernanda likes popcorn. 
Juliano dishin' out the free BBQ (and being his natural self...). 
This was the FUN Day, can you tell?
It rains a lot in England. So the inflatables had to come inside. 
Twelve24 in concert
Young people sharing stories of the amazing things God did in and through them this weekend! 
The awesome ladies who made the women's refuge project happen!