Saturday 5 December 2015

The New

I know it's been a long time since I've written. On my blog at least. One of the things that I've been getting up to since the last time I wrote (here), is that I've begun slowly taking on new aspects of my Communications role and this, PTL, involves writing! One of my first assignments, and my favorite thus far, was writing a case study for the UK's most widely read youth work magazine about the Bible study we do on Pais called Haverim. I loved writing it and I cannot wait to see it in print. In addition, I have taken over writing the Pais GB weekly newsletter (Should you want to subscribe to read my lovely words and find out what God is doing in and through our teams in the UK, please check out the Pais GB Facebook page and hit the 'eNews Signup' button underneath the cover photo.). There are also popping up here and there other opportunities for me to write, and I am excited about where God will take me with this! I have been reminded recently that several years ago as I was receiving prayer at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, that the girl praying for me saw an image of me as a giant among books and magazines. I thought that was interesting then, but I've definitely been encouraged by that again recently.

In other news, it is December, Christmas is around the corner, and quickly following, New Years! I am always excited about beginning a new year and this new year holds definite changes for me. Soon after Christmas I will be moving to Burnley, the home of Pais GB, and into a flat with 3 other girls, one of whom I will work with. I'm excited to be taking on this new role, officially and fully in this next term, as well as taking on a new leg of this adventure I am currently on. But please, if you feel led to pray for me, I could certainly use prayer in these next few weeks. I love change, but change always brings challenges. I will be living in a new place, with new people, a new job and going to a new church. Lots of change! But God is good and I know He will give me grace for all of it! Thank you!